I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. My research focuses on industrial organization, applied microeconomics, antitrust regulation, and the economics of digitization. My job market paper documents how manufacturers’ strategic intervention in the secondary market can enhance the perceived value of their primary products. I validate this empirically using vehicle identification number (VIN)-level administrative microdata on new and used vehicle registrations. I develop a two-period durable goods model with overlapping generations of consumers to complement my empirics.
My research utilizes a diverse set of methodologies grounded in applied econometrics. These approaches include causal inference, structural modeling, and web-scraping, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of policy evaluation. For more details about my research streams, please see
research statement. For teaching, please see
teaching statement. Should you have any inquiries regarding my work or other academic endeavors, feel free to reach out to me via email at or